Activations of 2017 (part 2)

Warm greetings, and welcome back to part 2 of our look into 2017. This time we look at Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter over the course of the next year.
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The Dream Seekers: Neptune in Sagittarius

Warm greetings, and welcome back to journeys! If you are new and would like to help support the future of this corner of the web, please considere becoming one of my patrons.
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The Lorekeepers: Saturn in Cancer

Hello, and welcome back to  journeys. 🙂 This will be my only post this month, as I have unfortunately injured my hand – this writing was finished before my injuries. Since my hand will need several weeks to recover, I will only be posting once per month during this time.

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Mirrors of Eternity: Pluto in Libra

Greetings, and welcome back! Today I have another post about collective or generational astrology, and one that has a particular significance for anyone born in the 1970s or early 1980s. If you enjoy this post, please consider supporting further posts on Patreon.

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Naked Secrets Unearthed: Uranus in Scorpio

Greetings, and welcome back! Today I am offering some thoughts on the influence of Uranus in Scorpio. I have published a detailed message about Uranus earlier in this journal, but it is not necessary to read it to understand what I have to present below, as I present a summary of its most important points. journey deeper…

The Burning Path: Chiron in Aries

Hello and welcome back to journeys for April 2016 🙂 This month and for some months to come I am going to be publishing articles with a more specific focus than the ones I have been sharing this year so far. Hopefully, these will also be briefer and easier to absorb than the heavy dishes I have placed on the table recently. However, in the background I am continuing to cook up fattening feasts for later…its just my way of writing.
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